Leisure reading |

Musical interlude |
- hit the jacuzzi
- hit the sauna
- sightseeing
- stargazing
- fireplace
- walking, jogging or running
- mountain biking
- roller blading
- shopping
- dining out
- watching cable TV or a video
- cross country skiing (seasonal)
- boating (if heading to
the lake)
- water-skiing
- sailing
- fishing
- snowmobiling (seasonal)
- singing &/or music making
- etc., etc.
- swimming suit
- walking shoes, or
- running shoes, or
- hiking boots
- binoculars
- mountain bikes
- roller blades
- favorite snacks
- favorite beverages
- favorite video movie
- microwave popcorn
- cross country skis
- boat (if heading to the
- water-skis
- fishing pole & tackle
- map of Western N. Y.
- laptop (if feeling
- favorite instrument
- etc., etc.