offers a variety of personalized packages to make
your visit even more memorable.
Romantic Special-
Glowing romantic fireplace to greet you, with music,
Finger Lakes wine, flowers, candles, rejuvenating
spa scents for outdoor hot tub, a
relaxing lavender or eucalyptus sauna. Massage Therapist (by
appointment), dinner reservations made, candlelight breakfast photo.
Perfectly Peppermint
Basket- Begin your evening at Peppermint Cottage
B&B with a peppermint sauna. Enjoy a refreshing mint filled
basket with
freshly made chocolate covered mints, Spa scents
for the hot tub, organic
peppermint soap, lotions, minty cocoa and teas...
Spa Special- Manicure and Polish at the Spa, On-site
Therapist (by appointment), Peppermint infused
Sauna, lemongrass and
mint scents for outdoor hot tub, peppermint leg and
foot lotion...
Picnic Basket- A Gourmet luncheon prepared
and packed for your day at
the beach, skiing, hiking, or biking. Picnic
menus to choose from...


Sunset at the Bluffs |
Chimney Bluffs at Lake Ontario |
New Year's Eve Package- A festive
basket is created to ring in the New
Year! Champagne Brunch
on New Year's Day...
Special- Relax and enjoy the peace and quiet of
the country. Shop and see what is new at Nine
Pines Country Store (2 minutes away). Shop at our local Waterloo
Premium Outlets with discount certificates and less traffic.
Finger Lakes wine tours and antiquing await and it will cost you
less! A 10% discount for a week's stay at Peppermint Cottage
Teachers' Retreat- Retreat to Peppermint
Cottage B&B for a relaxing getaway. No papers, phones, meetings
to attend, no deadlines or evaluations... Relaxation
at its best! Massage Therapist, Selection of DVDs
to view, refreshments. The Hot tub and Sauna - a must!
Wildflower Walk- Join us this Spring for a Guided
Wildflower Walking Tour. (April, May, June while
they last!). Refreshments served
on the patio.
• Colonial Cooking - Step back
in time and enjoy a turkey or stew cooked
over the fire in our beehive fireplace.
Guests bake
bread in the bake oven, make
butter, applesauce...a menu can be created for you.
Specials, Packages and/or Gift Baskets are created
to personalize your special occasion.
your calendars...
Annual Bed & Breakfast Open House Tour
Sunday, November 13, 2005 12:00 - 5:00 PM
Map included with ticket- Call for more details.
1-888-997-1998 |